Intelligent Real Time Roof Monitoring

With our sensor system you’ll know exactly where, when and why a leakage occurs in the flat roof structure. 

Our unique solution combines sensordata with local weather insights, allowing our intelligent platform to constantly analyse for anomalies and unhealthy moisture conditions in flat roofs. 

Detect moisture damages immediately during construction & operations
Reduce costs for damage mitigation 
Avoid delays and operational stops
Keep your buildings healthy
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    Easy on-site installation, less than 1 minute per sensor. 

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    All critical areas monitored in one solution. No alarms, no problems.

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    Full overview with interactive blueprint of all sensor readings. 

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    Cloud platform accessible from anywhere & open API integration with other systems

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    Fully customizable alarm system

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    Comprehensive reporting tool 


Benefits business and the environment

Incidents happen - but the cost, scope and timespan for mitigations are reduced rapidly when damages are detected immediately and repairs are done precisely and accordingly. 

It’s time to avoid unnecessary CO2 emissions for the drying and/or replacement of building materials. When damages are detected in time, massive amounts of CO2 are saved. 

Knowledge is power. Our solution provides you with everything needed to understand and handle incidents accurately and in time, leaving you with healthier and longer lasting structures.  

Don’t allow water damages to set you back. Having a digital layer of moisture control means; Less delays in construction period, fewer annoyances for people, a reduced risk of impact on business operations inside the building. 


A thoroughly tested solution that just works! 


Distribute the specialised sensors in a grid containing all critical areas.

Feel free to contact us and we’ll connect you to expert advice on the placement of sensors. 

The sensors measure moisture, relative humidity and temperature and the data is sent realtime via the LoRaWAN network from a gateway to our cloud based platform.


We provide a cloud based intelligent platform accessible from a browser anywhere across all units.

The collected sensor data are summarised together with local weather data containing precipitation and wind direction for comprehensive cross analytics, check for anomalies, unhealthy conditions, our proactive mould diagram etc. 

Use our platform for action planning, healthcheck, reporting and alarms.


Set your own customised alarms or use our preconfigured best practices, to make sure you receive timely alarms when incidents happen or conditions change to become unhealthy. 

When thresholds are surpassed or an anomaly is detected automated alarms are sent by email. 

Easy installation in few steps

Install sensor

Scan the attached QR, follow the guided process and you’ll be ready in minutes. 


Our guide will prompt you to register the sensors properly using tags and photos to ensure that the solution is configured to the best performance.  

Plug gateway

The gateway comes with a sim card, so just plug it in a socket and the solution is live. 

Get Insights!

Involve team members to review real time data in the dashboard, start receiving alarms and use the reporting tool for moisture reporting, handover etc. 

Municipality of Copenhagen School

How sensors can be used for flat roofs to detect water leakages early and localize them to save both money and time

Read more

Compare with local weather data

Compare your sensor measurements with weather data from local weather stations. Here you see an example of the measured humidity and temperature from a sensor compared with the local outside temperature.

Comparing sensor measurements with local weather data often provides valuable insights and explanations to why measurement patterns change and what caused it.

Get future projections

Use future projections to get an idea of how the measurements will develop in the near-future.

Projections can be used to

  • estimate when the wood reaches dry values
  • estimate when the humidity of the air is dry enough
  • know if the coming days are suitable for closing the construction

Compare multiple sensors

Compare measurements across multiple sensors to easily pinpoint sensors acting different from the rest.

This is a great way to quickly determine if something is wrong at any of the sensor locations, or simply make sure everything looks fine.

Comparison can be done for all measured parameters.

Access the raw data

You have access to all of your data. This includes raw values like temperature, humidity, moisture, electrical resistance, signal strength parameters and gateway details.

Access your raw measurements data on the Woodsense platform.

Raw measurements available in the platform.

Export to CSV or Excel

Download your raw data to a .csv or Excel file and import it to your preferred data manipulation tool. The exported data includes both the sensor measurements (including raw electrical resistance) and the local weather data.

Export your raw data to csv or Excel files on the Woodsense platform.

Example of exported raw measurements imported to a Google Sheet (Excel).

Access through OpenAPI

All of your measurements and sensor information can be extracted using our open REST API. Our API is defined using the OpenAPI specification and can be found at

Try the platform for free

Click below to get access to a free demo environment generated specifically for you.

Try the platform for free

From someone that has tried many different moisture systems, then this is, without a doubt, the easiest one to install & navigate.

Birger from BM Byggeindustri


BM Byggeindustri

The reports from Woodsense have a great overview to show the building owner to ensure that the construction dries out as planned and that we react when critical conditions happen.

Niklas Overby from Adserballe & Knudsen.

Niklas Overby

Adserballe & Knudsen


Can I see the technical specifications on the hardware?

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What is the difference between a wood moisture meter and a sensor?

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A wood moisture meter is a manual tool used for performing few wood moisture measurements by hand at one point in time, whereas a sensor is a device that performs automatic wood moisture measurements continuously and saves them in the cloud making all measurements available for the given period of time.

What is the difference between a capacitive measurement and resistance measurement?

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A capacitive measurement measures the wood moisture indirectly by using a magnetic field between two plates, whereas a wood moisture measured using a resistance measurement converts the electrical resistance between two electrodes in the wood into a wood moisture. One of the advantages of the resistance measurement is that you can determine the wood moisture at a certain depth of the wood, by using insulated screws as electrodes.

What is the difference between a moisture logger and a sensor?

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A moisture logger saves each moisture measurement locally on the logger often using an SD card or similar which later can be retrieved manually and transferred to a computer for analysis etc. The sensor will transfer the measurement to the cloud immediately making each measurement available in real-time and removes any storage limitations e.g. an SD card could have.

Can I get a better insurance using sensors?

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Many insurance companies and brokers are listing using sensors like ours as an "extraordinary effort" which will put the project in a lower risk class leading to cheaper insurances.

How much does the solution cost?

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Contact one of our employees to get a quote.

Can the data be integrated into other systems?

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Yes we have an Open API that can be found at

Download this Postman collection to see examples of how to read the data.

Still have questions? Check the knowledge center or email us at

Want to know more?

Contact us with any inquiry or support need you might have. We strive to get back to you within 24 hours to help you the best we can.

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